The Newest Kids on the Block

Calling all book addicts! Ruqaya’s Bookshelf is pleased to announce five new additions to our growing book collection, available for a special pre-order price! 

  • Growing Giddo’s Hair—Nuh wants to give his grandpa something amazing for his seventieth birthday. When he sees a product on TV that seems perfect, he begins his secret plan. But things don’t turn out the way he expected at all! Can he avoid disaster before the big day?
  • Dawud Helps—Papa is struggling to make ends meet, and Dawud wishes he could help. But his father insists he is still too young. When Papa has an accident and can’t work, it’s up to Dawud to show him how much he’s grown and how helpful he can be.
  • Sido’s Prayer Beads—Musa’s grandfather made his very own masbaha two years ago, when he started losing his memory. Each bead carries a story, and Musa loves to hear them again and again. But as time passes, Sido’s stories are slipping away. Then the masbaha tears, and the beads scatter everywhere. How will Musa come to terms with everything that’s changing with Sido?
  • Rahim, Wali, and the Wise King—King Abdullah has urgent business outside the kingdom and must leave one of his two sons in charge. To help him decide which of them would be more suitable, he assigns them a tricky task. Who will succeed, Rahim or Wali?
  • The Mismatched Finjan—Mariam has always wanted to be a flower girl, and now her cousin Zaina has chosen her to fill that role at her wedding! But Mariam’s aunts say she’s not the best choice because of her skin tone. Can she stand up in the face of their unkind comments and proudly take her place as flower girl?

We hope you're as excited as we are about these new books!

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